Low cost airlines? Thank you very much!
We live in honoured times when it comes to travel. Gone are the days when you couldn’t find a flight for under hundreds of pounds one way, all thanks to the advent of low cost airlines. We can now …
We live in honoured times when it comes to travel. Gone are the days when you couldn’t find a flight for under hundreds of pounds one way, all thanks to the advent of low cost airlines. We can now …
A prepaid currency card makes your holiday spending so much easier. One thing it can’t do though is make you set aside time for gift shopping if you’re too busy enjoying all the sights and sounds of your destination. …
It is difficult enough as it is to get ready in less than an hour for an evening out; now you have to look good with limited resources and restricted time? Being a businesswoman is demanding in and of itself, …
Tips for businesswomen to travel smart, safe and light Read More »
If you are a travel freak and like to visit different places, you must know the type of luggage to be carried along with you, as it plays a crucial role in maintaining the ease and comfort of your journey. …
Five best luggage options for traveling overseas Read More »
Airports are the only place where we can see so much diverse culture people. Millions of people from different parts of the world cross the airports. Sometimes you have a long halt at some airports due to flight delays. But …
‘Tis the season for holiday spirit – and South African Airways (SAA) is definitely showing some holiday cheer with a “buy one get one free” or a “2 for 1” discount.
Here are a few tips for you to remember the next time you plan your next vacation during holiday season.
Let’s face it: any airplane flight that is more than 2 hours can often become excruciatingly painful. Here are our Top 10 Items for long airplane flights – so that when you fly, you won’t die of boredom.
In January 2008, the Canadian Transportation Agency ruled that Air Canada, Air Canada Jazz and WestJet will be required to adopt a one-person-one-fare policy for passengers with disabilities or obesity.
Virginia Atlantic comes to the US as a new airline carrier to compete with the best (and worst) of American airlines.