If you are considering running off for a destination wedding in Europe, Canada or the U.S. and similar destinations, here are some legal requirements you need to know before you rush off to Greece, Italy, or Victoria. Whether you’re eloping or going abroad, it’s important to make sure you have all the right documents, certifications, and people required to be able to “finalize” your marriage and to make it legally binding.
Read our article: Exotic Wedding Destinations: Etiquette and How-To for more information on how to plan and execute a great destination wedding!
Read our article: Getting Married in Caribbean, Mexico, and Hawaii for regulations in these countries.
Country |
Residency |
Application |
Documents/Requirements |
Europe |
Britain |
7 days and 15 day waiting period |
Passports or certified copies of birth certificates Proof of divorce or death certificate of former spouse (s) (if remarrying) |
Greece |
None |
Passports & certified copies of birth certificates Proof of divorce or death certificate of former spouse (s) (if remarrying) Certificate from consulate stating that there is no impediment to marriage Two announcements of marriage in a local Greek newspaper (one for each person) Documents should be prepared and translated by your local Greek consulate Greek law does not provide for religious ceremonies for certain interfaith marriages (Christians to non-Christians; Jews to non-Jews) Proof of religion (i.e. baptismal certificates) may be required |
Italy |
None |
Passports & certified copies of birth certificates Proof of divorce or death certificate of former spouse (s) (if remarrying) Declarations “atto notorio” sworn by 4 people before Italian consulate officer attesting that they know of no reason to object to marriage under the laws of the couple’s home country Declaration sworn to by both parties that there are no obstacles to the marriage under U.S. law Some documents must be translated into Italian with special apostilled* seals from state which the documents were originated If one party is a citizen or resident of Italy, additional requirements may apply depending on city/region |
Scotland |
None |
Notice must be sent to registrar 15 in advance (no earlier than 3 months). Bride or groom must meet with registrar in advance |
Passports & certified copies of birth certificates Proof of divorce or death certificate of former spouse (s) (if remarrying) Certificate of no impediment
Austria |
none |
Apply in person at Vital Statistics Office (Standesamt) with required documents (listed to the right) |
Passports & certified copies of birth certificates (with names of parents) Proof of divorce or death certificate of former spouse (s) (if remarrying) Certificate of residence (driver’s license, tax form) Marriage license executed before a consular officer at your country’s embassy – stating that parties are free to marry the other according to laws of country Documents must be apostilled* by Austrian officials Documents (except for passports) must be translated by an official translator |
France |
One party must be resident for 40 days and will be asked for proof of residency (electric bill, rent paid, etc) |
Passports & certified copies of birth certificates French residency permits Proof of divorce or death certificate of former spouse (s) (if remarrying) Documentation showing that both parties are free to marry each other in accordance with the laws of their own country Medical certificate less than 2 months old Both parties must obtain a pre-nuptial medical certificate attesting that individual was examined by a doctor Proof of domicile in the city of marriage (telephone bill, rent bill, etc) All documents must be officially translated into French
Spain |
Approval takes 45 days |
Application Form obtained from Civil Registry or District Court Apostlled* copies of birth certificates Proof both parties are free to marry Proof of divorce or death certificate of former spouse (s) (if remarrying) Certificate of residence Posting of Banns, posted for 15 days prior to marriage ceremony giving public announcement of the couple’s plans to marry |
Canada |
All provinces and territories
None, but administrative procedures can take 2-4 weeks to complete |
Possible enforced waiting period between issuing a license and the ceremony, depending on the territory |
Apply for marriage license in person together Passports & certified copies of birth certificates Proof of divorce or death certificate of former spouse (s) (if remarrying) Visit: www.travelcanada.ca for more information |
United States |
All states |
None, but receiving license can be up to 3 days. |
$15-90 on average |
Each state in the United States has its own regulations and requirements Please visit here for a listing of each state and its requirements.
* “Apostilled” or “apostillized” means authentication, certification, legalization – usually done by a notary public or lawyer
* This information is valid as of Jan/15/08.