The U.S. Airport Security Has New Blog

Talk about getting with the times!

The United States government’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has decided to launch a blog – with the tagline: “Terrorists Evolve. Threats Evolve. Security Must Stay Ahead. You Play A Part.”

The interactive blog, called the “Evolution of Security” was created and meant to “facilitate an ongoing dialogue on innovations in security, technology and the Checkpoint screening processcheckpoint screening process.” It is a way, the TSA argues, for travelers to share their ideas, thoughts and concerns about aviation security – especially since 9/11.

Readers will be able to understand the “why” of security processes, procedures at checkpoints, and etc. You will be able to leave your comments on recent posts, questions, and other ideas or rants you may have.

Writers and contributors to the blog will be personnel at all levels, including: local federal security directors, front line security officers, intelligence analysts, and other members of the team with new ideas and perspectives.

Within 24 hours of the blog’s launch, almost 1000 comments were left by its readers. A few of the questions or comments to date “have been downright mean and cranky,” notes one of the Evolution of Security blog writers.

Questions have been addressed like that of liquids, shoes, nail clippers, lithium batters, and more. To read or to post a comment of your own, visit: .

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