So what do women want?
Well, we don’t know.
But what we can tell you is what women prefer when it comes to gifts, flowers, or a romantic getaway.
A charm bracelet from Tiffany’s or a romantic one-week getaway to Cuba?
A dozen red roses or a bouquet? Lingerie from Victoria Secret?
Weekend getaway to wine country for wine tasting, fine dining and bed and breakfast?
The Results are In: What Women Want
Survey results by the Travel Industry Association (TIA) show that four of every ten women prefer a romantic getaway rather than flowers or jewellery.
More than 1,000 women were surveyed across the United States by research firm Synovate. They were asked what they would prefer to receive as a Valentine’s Day gift, assuming all costs would be the same.
“4 out of 10 women prefer a romantic getaway over jewellery and flowers.”
A romantic getaway topped the list with 36% of women reporting they would prefer an overnight stay at a hotel or b&b. Dinner at a restaurant ranked second at 32%. Jewellery ranked third at 21%, with flowers at 8% and lingerie at 2%.
Just about half of all women aged 25 to 34 preferred a romantic getaway than a gift. 40% of married women and 42% of women with children also preferred a romantic getaway.
Remember folks – gifts, romantic weekend getaways, and surprise travel plans – can be given at any time, not just Valentine’s Day. They’re especially great when stressed out, frustrated, or bummed out.
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TIA, the Travel Industry Association, is a non-profit trade organization that represents and speaks for the common interests of the $740 billion U.S. travel industry. For more information, please visit: