Fly in Trees with Flight of the Gibbon in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Fly through the trees


A new adventure thrill has opened about 60 km’s east of Chiang Mai city, Thailand, in the Mae Ao district called Flight of the Gibbon.

It’s every kid – and adult’s dream. But, if you are afraid of heights this is not for you. It’s your chance to be the next Indiana Jones. Better yet, why not read about Traveling the World with Indiana Jones.

Here in the National Park, thick industrial-type cables have been strung between jungle trees up to 100 metres above the forest floor and up to 80 metres in length from tree to tree. Interested participants are harnessed and will swing from tree to tree – remember, this is 100 meters up. The course offers short and long distances as well as repelling up and down the trees.

Learn to Fly in Chiang Mai, Thailand

When you arrive, you are set up with a harness, a helmet and a safety lesson on how to swing, what to watch out for and etc. You are then shuttled off in a van for a 5 minute ride to the tree top cable course’s starting point.

Here, another safety briefing is given along with what to do. Two guides will do help you strap everything in and get you going. They will hook the pulley and safety cable up to the suspended cable. They show you where to hold on – and off you’ll go, swinging through the trees in the Thailand jungles.

The first one can be scary but the next 13 runs feel like you’re actually in flight. At one point, you’ll repel from a higher stand to one a little lower in the same tree then cross a swing bridge to another tree. At the end, you repel down to the ground.

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