Culture Guide

Fabulous New France

Fabulous New France By Liz Fleming   Ordinarily, I don’t do costumes. When Hallowe’en comes, I’m the one who’s happiest to answer the door, hand out the candies and admire what everyone else is wearing.  I might wear orange and …

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Finding Monet in Paris

Claude Monet is having a renaissance.  After 30 years, a monograph of the “prince”  of Impressionist Art will be on display at the Grand Palais in Paris, from September 22, 2010 until January 24, 2011.   170 canvasses and drawings will …

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Americans Still Ugly? Travel with a Vengeance!’s Jacinta O’Halloran gives us a look at which travelers worldwide are rated the best hotel guests, the best dressed, who complains the most, biggest spenders, the most curious, the messiest and the most popular!

Ten Historic Spots to Whet Your Whistle

Read about these 10 Historic Spots, Bars and Pubs to “Whet” Your Whistle, places where politicians, authors, celebrities have spent time in US cities: Chicago, California, New York, Philadelphia, and more!

Costa Rica Intravenously: A Tale From a Coffee Traveler

If you *heart* coffee, this one is for you: the tale of an extreme coffee crisis from a recent traveler to Costa Rica – read about the crisis, emergency room and the surgery performed on a morning just like this one.

“It was a challenge like none other I had faced: wake up calls for delayed flights, sickness in family, hurricane and tropical storm warnings.

I had just returned from Costa Rica a week ago and was settling in with my clients, comrades and family from being missing in action. Approaching the coffee pot this Friday morning with the world in my hand, I suddenly realized the convenient supply of coffee represented before me was Folgers 1/2-Caff option. . .”

Read on for more!

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