Daily Photo: Junkanoo

Junkanoo at Sandals Emerald Bay, Exuma, The Bahamas

Junkanoo is a type of street parade in The Bahamas.  There’s annual events that happen every Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, but there are also smaller versions that occur throughout the year on various Bahamian islands.  This Junkanoo I photographed happens weekly at the Sandals Emerald Bay in Exuma.

I was in my room at Sandals Emerald Bay after a long day of spotting local wildlife when I began to hear the distant, distinct sound I’ve grown to love.  The beat of a Junkanoo band starting up in the main courtyard area.  I finished my drink, grabbed my camera and headed toward the music.

The beat is infectious.  You can’t help but get caught up in the excitement when a Junkanoo band is making their way through wherever you are (Junkanoo bands play while walking – kind of like a moving dance party).

Here’s a good sample of what it’s like (the Valley Boys – a popular Junkanoo band – performing New Year’s Day, 2010).  For you Lada Ga Ga fans, wait until 2:00 minutes in for a special treat.



From Wikipedia:

The word “Junkanoo” derived from an African slave master and trader named, “John Canoe” in the 17th century. These slaves were not allowed much freedom and would hide in the bushes when they had the chance. While in the bushes, they would dance and make music while covered in costumes that they made from various paints that they made and leaves that they found. This festival represented the slave’s freedom from slavery.



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