When Ants Clean-up the Melted Candy in My Purse

I made the mistake of forgetting that I had put a cellophane wrapped peppermint candy in the side pocket of my purse. That is definitely a no-no. On Roatan, the heat dictates that anything that can melt…will. So the next day when I reached into my purse pocket (to retrieve a pen) I pulled out a sticky, gooey, syrup coated, peppermint scented BIC ball-point.

The purse is hand woven Guatemalan fabric, the pocket lined with nylon. Darn, how well will it hold up to being washed?

I decided to set it aside until tomorrow. I learned that approach on Roatan!

When tomorrow came, I picked up the purse and resolved to clean it up. I cringed as I reached in the pocket to take out the sticky pen and tell-tale empty cellophane wrapper. Both were still there but not a hint of gooey on either! My purse pocket couldn’t have been cleaner. My pen, no longer resembled a repeatedly licked candy cane.

And then I saw them…hundreds of tiny ants marching single file, away from my purse, across the floor, and out the door. They were carting every spec of melted sugar with them!

When Ants Clean-up the Melted Candy in My Purse was the first of many that inspired me to create a new page. While the things I list are all pretty awesome, I’ve changed the title to Things That Pulled Me In.


This story also at Honduras Weekly re-titled “Island Ants are Awesome.”

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