$13-25 Increase in Airport Fees at London Heathrow and Gatwick

Heathrow AirportFrom April 1, 2008, two of Britain‘s biggest airports will be raising their airport fees – as announced by the British Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) – the UK’s aviation regulator.

What The Fees Look Like & How Much

London‘s Heathrow airport, the largest airport in the United Kingdom, will raise its fees by 23.5% which will cost approximately $25.82 per person.

Gatwick, the second largest airport in the UK and seventh busiest airport in the world, which is also located in London, will raise its fees by a lesser 21% which will cost $13.70 per passenger.

Heathrow AirportThe Fine Print

These higher fees will be charged for each way: departure and arrival at either of these two airports. The fees are being charged to the various airlines flying in and out of these airport terminals – but this will inevitably mean an increase in fees for a passenger’s ticket price.

The Politics

London’s three biggest airports: Heathrow, Gatwick and Stanstead are all owned by the British Airports Authority (BAA) who have been said to have a monopoly on London’s biggest airports. This group is actually a subsidiary of Grupo Ferrovial of Spain.

It has been voiced that the CAA has failed in its responsibility as the aviation industry’s regulator by giving into pressure given by the BAA.

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