If you are planning to place some of your belongings into storage, you need to make sure they have been correctly packaged and prepared. You do not want to pay for items that will damage or destroy eventually. You need to spend some time and effort making sure that you complete all of the necessary preparations.
You need to think about what kind of temperature your belongings need to be stored at, aside from ensuring how you are going to package items, such as clothes and valuables. All of this is very important if you want your assets to remain in a good condition while they are in storage.
The importance of climate
One of the most important considerations, when it comes to choosing a self-service storage unit, is climate control. If this control is not done correctly, some items, such as furniture, could be severely damaged. Furniture reacts to moisture if there is a high level of humidity. It expands and contracts and this can weaken and damage it through warping. You may also experience issues with mold and bacteria spreading on your belongings. The best way to try to prevent these problems as much as possible is to find a self-storage facility that keeps all of its storage units at a temperature between 55 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
How to pack clothing for storage
As you may know, organic material can degrade over time. This is why it’s so important to pay special attention to how you pack clothing if it’s going to be kept in a storage facility, such as Access Self-Storage. The first thing that it’s worth saying is that it’s always better to hang clothes than fold them as it just puts extra strain on the seams of clothes. If you have to place clothes in boxes then it’s really important to make sure there is no moisture present. This includes thinking about the surface you are going to place the boxes on. If they are going to be placed on a concrete floor then you need to find a way of not placing them directly onto the floor itself. This is because you do not want the moisture coming from the concrete to affect the boxes.
The process of packing
If you need to pack items into boxes, ready for storage, you will need to use packing popcorn to make sure that the items are packages securely. You also need to wrap items made from materials such as glass or ceramics individually, using packing paper. It’s a good idea to use dividers in the boxes so that items do not come into contact with each other. You should fill in any spaces with packing popcorn and seal the boxes tightly with packing tape. Do not forget that you need to label your boxes so that you know exactly what is going into storage and exactly where it is being stored. You should also mark items fragile if appropriate.
Article Submitted By Community Writer