JetBlue & Kraft Offer Free Breakfast In-Flight

Bagel with Cream CheeseDuring February 2008, Kraft and JetBlue teamed up to offer 500,000 free breakfasts on JetBlue’s morning flights.

Passengers on select flights from Chicago, Pittsburgh, Boston, New York City, Washington D.C., Oakland, Long Beach and Ft. Lauderdale enjoyed a free breakfast courtesy of Kraft.

“Breakfast from Heaven”

The “Breakfast from Heaven,” was being provided by makers of Philadelphia Cream Cheese to test its new 1/3 Less Fat Cream Cheese. Customers were served bagels with Kraft’s newest product: Philadelphia 1/3 Less Fat Soft Cream Cheese.

As in line with Philadelphia cream cheese commercials: a female angel in heaven enjoying the cream cheese on bagels with man servants, this breakfast was served at 35,000 feet in the air by two white-tuxedoed representatives of Kraft.

What a deal!

Airplane SeatsWell, what was probably intended as an innocent, even brilliant, creative marketing stint to create brand awareness and educate the public on the health benefits and excellent quality of this new cream cheese – Kraft was quickly and heavily criticised.

The reason for criticism is that the product testing and brand marketing is done in flight to an audience who have no place to go and are essentially a “captive audience,” being subjected to Kraft’s marketing scheme, whether they like it or not.

Well, I guess it goes to show that nothing is truly free.


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