What is Sustainable Travel?

Sustainable travel is traveling in a way that contributes to the environmental, socio-cultural and economic values of the places one visits, and the planet at large.

Traditional, consumer-based tourism often does not take cultural or environmental aspects of travel into consideration. Tour operators sometimes can be exploitative of the locals and travelers can leave a large footprint in both the culture and environment of sites they visit. This is often unintentional, but the idea of sustainable tourism is for travelers to become more conscious and intentional of the ways in which they travel, so that the environment and cultures are better preserved.

Sustainable travel is not just about ethics or guilt, however. There is a vast difference between a tourist and a traveler; and such travel creates a much more enriching and meaningful experience for the traveler, as well. Rather than being shuttled from one tourist attraction to another, snapping photos of the local life passing by outside the windows of tour buses or five-star hotels, sustainable tourism provides the visitor the opportunity to truly be immersed in the culture and soul of the place.

Responsible travel respects and protects the natural and human environment, benefits the host community, and allows indigenous people the right to control their own future. Based on David Mozer’s Code of Responsible Travel, the guidelines below can help make travel an environmentally, culturally, and economically aware activity. 

Briefly, responsible travel is:

Environmental – travel that reduces the negative environmental impacts and, where possible, positive contributions to the conservation of biodiversity, wilderness, and natural and human heritage.

Social/Cultural – travel that respects culture and traditions, fosters authentic interaction and greater understanding between travelers and hosts, and involves local people in decisions that affect their lives.

Economic – travel that generates greater economic benefits for local people, enhances the well-being of host communities, improves working conditions and access to the travel industry, supports local services, and operates on the principles of fair trade.

Responsible travel is about truly connecting with the place you are visiting. You can reward yourself with the most memorable and inspiring travel experiences of your life by traveling responsibly.

“The triple bottom line of responsible tourism is 3 E’s: environmental sustainability, engaging in the local economic, and enriching your life from the culture. Actually, it is about the same for all life.” David Mozer, African studies specialist and pioneer of cycle touring in Africa.

For more info: Visit Sustainable Travel International at, whose goal is to “leave the world a better place.” STI provides hands-on, easy to use, practical programs so that you can do more than just think about traveling responsibly.

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