You’ll probably feel like you lack something important if you go anywhere without your phone. Maybe you would feel insecure or lonely. For this reason, you just have to be with your phone even when travelling abroad, but hold on! There is something you need to be aware of as you take your phone with you abroad. Here’s what to and what not to do as you travel with your phone.
Do not Use Mobile Phone Plans
Unless you are rich and don’t mind overspending, avoid plans. Instead, you can make use of free mobile application services to call or text for free. Apps such as Kik and Skype are designed to help people communicate without expenses or at very low costs. If you can access what is called Wi-Fi, then these apps will save you a lot of money as you use your mobile abroad. International calling plans are expensive, so this is the way out if you cannot afford it.
Unlock your phone

Most iPhones are locked to specific carriers. If your phone is in such a situation, it’s AT&T will not accept any SIM card from another carrier or Verizon Wireless. So, if your phone is able to be unlocked, do so. The information on the FCC page is helpful if you need to know more to do with unlocking your phone. The good thing about an unlocked mobile device is that you will be able to use the local SIM card at your destination. This enables you to make local calls and connect to data networks with ease.
Control Your Data Costs
First, you will need to turn off your device data, especially if it is not unlocked and you do not have an international roaming package you can count on. An alternative to access the internet is through Wi-Fi, which is provided for by most accommodation services. You can get it either free or at an affordable cost. Most cafes and restaurants offer free Wi-Fi, though it may not be as convenient as cellular data, it`s worth saving on.
Another way to prevent data from consuming your money is by turning off automatic features. You may fail to realize that your data is being consumed when, for example, you leave your mobile device to check for new emails automatically. The phone bill you could end up with after you return from your journey could shock you. Avoid this by ensuring any feature that uses data on your devices is not set to automatic use.
If you doubt your mobile, you can alternatively set it to airplane mode. This keeps it from connecting to any local network hence, you avoid any charges that may occur. You shouldn’t worry about this because you can still leave your Wi-Fi on to keep your mobile device connected whenever you are close to an Internet hotspot.
Carry a Converter while travelling

There is much more than just getting the right mobile broadband abroad. What if you find the right packages at the right cost, but with a dead phone? It would be sad. As you travel abroad, find out the types of voltage and plugs used in your destination and pack the necessary converters. This way, you will be powered up for everything mobile.
Keep Your Mobile Safe
You would not want to lose your mobile device, but even if it is lost or stolen, you would still want it back. There are a lot of measures you can put in place to ensure that your mobile and its content are always safe. One of the measures involves locking your mobile with both or either a biometric protection or a strong password. This is basically the first line of defending your device from being stolen and keeping your device data safe even when it is lost.
Another measure involves keeping a close eye on insecure and shared Internet connections; always pay attention to security threat warnings. You should do this to avoid identity theft. You should completely avoid logging into your sensitive accounts like email and bank accounts when connected to the public internet. It is through such connections where you can get your passwords and other important details stolen by hackers.
Article Submitted by Community Writer.